Every year Ride & Stride is on the second Saturday of September every year and is a national, sponsored event involving all the Historic Churches County Trusts.
In 2024 it will take place on Saturday 14th September.
Riders and Striders are invited to cycle, horse ride, drive or walk between churches, chapels and meeting rooms on any route of their choice.It’s great fun and an enjoyable day out with family or friends while raising funds to support the repair and restoration of churches so that future generations can enjoy these historic treasures too.
Money raised is divided 50% between the participant’s chosen church and the WCHCT.
To find out more, go to either “I am a Church or Parish Coordinator / Organiser”
or “I want to be a Rider or Strider”.
The Trustees of the WCHCT will award £250.00 to the church with the highest sponsorship received.
The Trustees of the WCHCT will award £100.00 to the church of the individual rider or strider with the highest sponsorship received.
To qualify for this your sponsorship money must be paid to the treasurer by the 31st October, following that year’s Ride and Stride in September . In the event of a tie, the prize money will be split equally between winners. The Trustees’ decision is final.